What it is like to be deaf?

Ever wondered what it is like to be deaf? How do people who are deaf communicate with each other or even with you? Deaf, or people who have a hearing…

What it is like to be obese?

People who are obese walk through life in a world built for people who are not. They deal with the stares, rude comments and ignorance from people who do not…

What is it like to have depression?

What it is like to have depression? Imagine that you are always sad, even when nothing is wrong. You don’t feel like doing anything anymore and every day feels the…

What it is like dating someone with anxiety?

When your partner gets anxiety, it is very hard to understand what they are going through. Sometimes you might even get impatient because they don’t just ‘get over it.’ There…

What it is like to be color blind?

Color blindness is an eye disorder that prevents people from seeing colors. Color blindness happens when the pigment in the retina is not working correctly; it could be because of…

What is it like living with schizophrenia?

When people think of schizophrenia, they often imagine someone who is always afraid for their life or is not able to function in society. People associate this mental illness with…

What it is like being bipolar?

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be bipolar? I’m sure most people wonder this at one point or another, but sometimes they never know themselves. Read on to…

What is it like being a nurse?

If you’ve ever seen a nurse, then you know that they are clothed in scrubs. Scrubs are worn to help the nurses gain some sort of recognition from others and…

What is it like to have ADHD?

A person who has ADHD is someone who is constantly moving and has trouble focusing. It’s like trying to watch TV with someone constantly changing the channel. Even though all…

What it is like to have anxiety?

A person who has anxiety is someone who is constantly on edge, moody, irritable, and quick to anger. They have a constant knot in their stomach that they feel constantly.…