What is it like to have ADHD?

A person who has ADHD is someone who is constantly moving and has trouble focusing. It’s like trying to watch TV with someone constantly changing the channel. Even though all those channels are great, some of them even more entertaining than what you’re watching, it’s still frustrating as hell.

People with ADHD are forgetful, impulsive, and have a low attention span. It’s almost impossible for them to sit still for more than 5 minutes. If you’re trying to teach them something, they will definitely zone out at least once.

It’s not easy being so hyper and unfocused all the time. Many people who have ADHD are considered uncooperative by teachers and students because they don’t pay attention in class.

AHDH is an attention deficit disorder and the main symptoms include lack of attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Because those who have it can’t pay attention, they are called “spacey.”

It’s as if you’re sitting at a restaurant with hundreds of delicious dishes on the menu right in front of you. You can smell all those wonderful aromas still lingering from food that was ordered hours ago. The problem is, the waiter brings you a plate of cold mashed potatoes instead. And no matter how much you cry or beg for something else, it’s never coming.

That’s what it feels like to have ADHD. It can be frustrating because nothing ever seems interesting enough to hold your attention span for long. A lecture on quantum chromodynamics may as well be a lecture on the history of Papua New Guinea.

What is it like to have ADHD?
What is it like to have ADHD?

People who have ADHD often get in trouble because they can’t follow directions and lack self-control, but that doesn’t mean they don’t try their best to do what they’re told.

Most people with ADHD are diagnosed when they’re children or teenagers, but it can also be diagnosed in adults. A teacher may tell the parent of a child who has trouble paying attention that he/she might have ADHD and recommend they get professional help.

There are many symptoms to look out for that can help doctors diagnose adults and children with ADHD, including:

– Fidgeting and squirming when seated.

– Blurting out answers in class or to other people’s questions.

– Difficulty following instructions due to lack of attention.

Many people who have ADHD also struggle with other conditions such as anxiety, depression, or learning disabilities.

There are treatments for people who have ADHD, however. Doctors usually prescribe medicine to treat the symptoms of it since there’s no cure. Teachers can help patients by giving them extended time on tests and assignments so they have more time to complete them. Parents should try to remain calm when disciplining their children with ADHD because it’s not their fault they can’t pay attention.

Above all, if someone is struggling with ADHD it’s important to try your best to be patient with them. They’re just trying their hardest to do something that comes easily for some people but is difficult for others.

What does a day in the life of a person with ADHD look like?

It’s like being stuck in a room with different channels playing on the TV, but every time you find something to watch it changes. And there are days where nothing interesting is even on at all, so you just sit through an episode of “The Kardashians” since that’s the only thing left after scrolling through everything else.

Here are the characteristics of a person who has ADHD:

– They are forgetful, impulsive, and have a low attention span.

– It’s almost impossible for them to sit still for more than 5 minutes.

– They are called “spacey.”

– They get in trouble because they can’t follow directions and lack self-control.

Doctors prescribe medicine to treat ADHD symptoms, teachers can give extended time on tests and assignments, parents should remain calm when disciplining their children, and you should try your best to be patient with someone who has ADHD.

Here is how you can help a person with ADHD:

– Remain calm when disciplining them.

– Be patient with them by understanding they can’t help being so hyper and unfocused.

– Give extended time for tests and assignments to help them complete them successfully.

– Teach them by giving clear instructions instead of just saying “do this” or that. Explain why they need to do what you’re asking them to do.

– Try your best not to get frustrated with them if they don’t understand something you’re teaching them, especially after they understand it the first time. This is normal for someone who has ADHD because they can’t pay attention long enough to retain information or have a short attention span.

People who have ADHD are trying their best at everything just like everyone else. No one can help it if they have ADHD, but there are ways to cope with the symptoms and find treatment for them.


People who have ADHD can’t help it if they’re constantly unfocused and hyperactive, but there are things that you can do to help them cope with their symptoms. You should try your best not to get frustrated with them if they don’t understand something you’re teaching them because this is normal for someone who has ADHD. Learn more about what it is like to have anxiety too.