What is it like to be debt free?

When most people think of what debt is, they think of credit cards and loans. However, there are many forms of debt that people use every day without thinking about…

What is it like to have an IQ of 70?

Having an IQ of 70 means that you are intellectually deficient. It means you have a lot more trouble doing certain things than other people do because your brain processes…

What it is like to be 90 years old?

On average, people age 90 can do about three things: eat three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), walk with the help of a cane or walker, and stay…

What is it like to adopt a child?

When people think about parenting they usually imagine a parent and their child growing old together. They imagine all of the struggles that come with raising a child from birth…

What it is like to be a woman?

If you ask a group of men what they think it is like to be a woman, most likely there will be many different answers. While some believe that being…

What is it like to be 75 years old?

What it’s like to be 75 years old? People who turn 75 are normally settled with their life. They are retired or close to being retired, their children have grown…

What it is like being lonely?

Do you remember the last time you felt lonely? You might think it’s a feeling that everyone experiences from time to time, but when you’re actually lonely, it affects much…

What it is like in prison?

Let’s learn what it’s like in prison and try to explain the circumstances. First, we’ll start with a fact: Prisoners are people too. They have feelings, dreams, and wishes just…

What it is like to be famous?

Being famous has lots of perks. For example, celebrities are viewed as more attractive than average people. They also make larger amounts of money than everyone else. People also see…

What is it like to be homeless?

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word homeless is a person sleeping on a sidewalk, asking for spare change. That’s not always the case. There…