What it is like to be obese?

People who are obese walk through life in a world built for people who are not. They deal with the stares, rude comments and ignorance from people who do not understand. People often assume that because they are obese, their lives must be horrible. In truth, many people who are overweight or obese have incredibly fulfilling lives filled with friends and family.

However, they are constantly reminded that their bodies are not what is considered normal or average. They feel out of place when they eat in public because the people around them cannot understand why someone who weighs more than 200 pounds would want to eat a salad.

What it is like to be obese?
What it is like to be obese?

A person who is obese often has trouble finding clothes that fit, especially if their size is not common. For children, they deal with more than just the teasing of their peers; they can also face bullying from those who do not understand that it is possible to be obese and healthy at the same time.

Obesity does not simply affect a person’s physical health; it can often lead to mental health issues as well. A person who is obese can develop depression or other mental health issues because of the way they are treated by others. One study found that people who were obese often lived with feelings of worthlessness and poor self-esteem because of their weight.

A person who is obese also faces physical issues, which affect the quality of their life. They often deal with joint pain and other discomforts that is caused by their weight. They are more likely to develop health issues, such as high blood pressure or diabetes than someone who does not have extra weight on their body.

The truth is, however, not every person who is obese has poor self-esteem or is in constant physical pain. A person’s quality of life is not dictated by their weight. A person who is obese can succeed in school, have a fulfilling career and live a happy life. This does not mean that they are immune to the effects of being overweight or obese, it just means that they might be able to deal with them better than others.

Is being obese difficult? Yes. Is it impossible? No. A person who is obese may face difficulties because of their weight, but that does not mean they are incapable of achieving success and happiness.

What it is like to be obese?

It is not as bad as many people believe, but it still comes with challenges.

People who are obese live in a world that is built for those who do not have weight issues, and they often face harsh judgment from others. However, it is possible to find success and happiness even if you are considered overweight or obese by society’s standards.

What does a day in the life of an obese person look like?

How do they go about their daily routine? What are their challenges on a day-to-day basis? How does the environment affect them?

People who are obese live lives that are not drastically different from those who are considered normal weight. Their days often consist of going to school, taking care of children, working, spending time with family and friends, and just enjoying life. However, there are still some things that can cause them to have a difficult time.

If they have trouble finding clothes that fit properly, it can be problematic. There is nothing worse than going to school or work without the proper clothing because you do not want people to judge you for your size.

What are the characteristics of a person who is obese?

-A person who is obese often has trouble finding clothes that fit, especially if their size is not common.

-A person who is obese often feels worthless and has poor self-esteem because of how they are treated by others.

-It is possible to be obese and healthy at the same time.

People who are obese have lives that are not drastically different from those who people consider to be normal weight. They go to work and school, spend time with family and friends and just enjoy life! You can be obese and happy!

How you can help someone who is obese?

-Don’t make assumptions about people who are obese, everyone is different.

-Don’t bully people who are obese; there is nothing wrong with them.

-Accept that not every person will be the same size or weight.

The truth is, it can be difficult for a person to live life when society has placed ideas in their head that they are not good enough. However, it is important to remember that everyone deserves respect and kindness. You should never judge someone based on their weight or assumptions made about them, and you should always be kind and do what you can to make others feel welcome and accepted!


Being obese comes with difficulties and challenges, but it is not impossible to live a happy and fulfilling life. If you are obese, don’t let others dictate your self-worth or your ability to achieve success. You can be happy and healthy at the same time!

Now that you know what it is like to be obese, learn more about what it is like to have depression. Thank you for reading!