What it is like dating someone with anxiety?

When your partner gets anxiety, it is very hard to understand what they are going through. Sometimes you might even get impatient because they don’t just ‘get over it.’ There are several things that people who date someone with anxiety go through on a daily basis that aren’t always so pleasant.

1. Understand how they feel

The first thing I want to talk about is the way you feel when you’re in the middle of an anxiety attack. The way that it feels might change depending on what type of anxiety your partner has, but for most people with a generalized anxiety disorder this is how they feel:

What it is like to have anxiety.

So imagine getting all these feelings and not knowing why and no matter how hard you try you can’t stop them and many times you have to just sit through it.

2. Give them the support they need

The second thing I want to talk about is the different types of support you provide your partner during an anxiety attack. This can be pretty difficult for some people, especially because anxious people often don’t want other people around when they are having an attack because they are afraid of being judged or shamed.

The most helpful thing you can do is to be there with them when it happens and help keep things in perspective for them. Do this by reminding them that the anxiety is only temporary, even if this doesn’t seem like something that they want to hear at the time. You can also show them that you don’t mind helping out when they have an attack.

3. Understand things that seem illogical to you

Thirdly, there are the things that anxious people do that you might not understand because they can seem a little weird or illogical at times. Many of these things are done in order to prevent themselves from having anxiety attacks even though this usually doesn’t work very well. One example is avoiding going places or being around certain people in order to prevent anxiety from showing up.

What it is like dating someone with anxiety?
What it is like dating someone with anxiety?

4. Know how to help them

You need to know how to help yourself when your partner is having a bad day or if they are going through a lot of stress for other reasons. You also need to know what things you can do for yourself that will actually be helpful and not harmful. It is often hard for people to do these things because they don’t think that their partner’s anxiety is a big deal or that it will ever get better.

5. Understand their triggers

You need to understand the various triggers for your partner and how it affects them when there are changes in their brain chemistry. When they feel overwhelmed by stress, this can cause an increase of other chemicals in their brain that can trigger an anxiety attack.

6. Get to know them more intimately

Lastly, you should learn more about your partner and how they feel so that you can understand why there are changes in their behavior sometimes. You might even want to try some of the things that they do with them if it seems like something you are willing to do.

What are some things that people go through when dating someone with anxiety?

When you’re dating someone who has anxiety, you will typically go through the following things:

-You might feel impatient with them during an anxiety attack.

-You might become frustrated when they won’t do certain things or want to be around certain people because it is triggering for them.

-They’ll sometimes blame themselves if their partner gets agitated about something that has nothing to do with them.

-It might get difficult to keep things in perspective for them because of the way they act sometimes. Also, you might want to try some of the things that help them if it seems like something you are willing to do.

What it is like dating someone with anxiety?

When you’re dating someone who has anxiety, it can be difficult to know what you can do for your partner. You should try to keep things in perspective for them, remind them that the anxiety is temporary, and show them that you don’t mind helping out when they have an attack. Also, it’s helpful if you understand why there are changes in behavior sometimes and learn more about them so that you can understand their anxiety better.

Anxious people often feel judged and shamed by other people when they have an attack in front of them. It’s helpful if you’re there with them and help keep things in perspective by reminding them that the anxiety is temporary. You also need to know how to help yourself when the anxious person is having a bad day or is going through stress for other reasons. When they feel overwhelmed, it can cause an increase in chemicals in their brain that can trigger an attack so it’s helpful if you try to be understanding and patient with them. Lastly, it is often hard for people who don’t understand anxiety to put themselves in the anxious person’s shoes. Try to keep an open mind and learn more about them so that you can understand their anxiety better.

What can someone do to help their partner during an anxiety attack?

There are a variety of things that you can do to help your partner during an anxiety attack. First, you should learn more about what helps them when they’re having a bad day or going through significant stress. You should also try to remind them that the anxiety is temporary and show them that you don’t mind helping out even though it might not be easy. Try to keep an open mind and learn more about things that help anxious people when they’re having a tough time.

What are some warning signs that someone might have anxiety?

Some warning signs that someone might have anxiety include:

-Feeling nervous when in social situations.

-Experiencing sensory overload in some situations where there are too many sounds, lights, or other things going on around them.

What are some ways for someone to cope with an anxiety attack?

There are a variety of ways for someone to cope with an anxiety attack. They can:

-Take a few deep breaths and remind themselves that it’s just temporary.

-Remind themselves that the symptoms will pass in a short amount of time and not pay attention to them.

How can a person support their girlfriend/boyfriend who has anxiety?

When trying to help your partner with anxiety, it can be helpful to:

-Try to keep things in perspective for them.

-Show them that you don’t mind helping out when they’re having a tough time even though it might be difficult sometimes.

-Learn more about what helps anxious people get through tough times and put yourself in their shoes.

-Try to keep an open mind and understand why their behavior changes sometimes.


When you’re dating someone who has anxiety, it can be difficult to know what you can do for your partner. You should try to keep things in perspective for them, remind them that the anxiety is temporary, and show them that you don’t mind helping out when they have an attack. Also, it’s helpful if you understand why there are changes in behavior sometimes and learn more about them so that you can understand their anxiety better.

Learn more about what it is like to have anxiety!