What is it like to be drunk?

I can’t think of a better way to express how it feels when you’re drunk than actually going over all the processes that happen in the brain and body when someone is drunk, because understanding what’s going on is key to understanding why some people enjoy being intoxicated while others hate it.

The first thing that happens when someone drinks a lot of alcohol is that the liver starts to metabolize it. The enzyme known as “alcohol dehydrogenase” is responsible for breaking down the alcohol molecule into aldehyde and acetaldehyde, which are then broken down even further until they turn to acetic acid.

The digestive process doesn’t stop there, though: other enzymes break apart the aldehyde and acetaldehyde molecules, and eventually they turn to acetic acid as well. When the alcohol has been broken down into acetic acid, it travels through the blood and throughout the body, where it spreads out to all tissues.

Some people notice that when they drink a lot of alcohol their ears start ringing; many assume this is due to high blood pressure, but it’s actually because the blood vessels are dilated. The dilation causes the eardrum to expand, which makes it more sensitive to sound waves, creating that annoying ringing effect in the ears.

What is it like to be drunk?
What is it like to be drunk?

The brain is also affected by alcohol intoxication. The main neurotransmitter involved with this impairment is GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid). When GABA is deteriorated by alcohol, it causes sluggishness and drops in energy levels.

Another neurotransmitter that’s impaired when someone drinks a lot of alcohol is serotonin, which plays an important role in mood regulation. The lack of serotonin often leads to the depression people commonly feel after coming down from being drunk.

A point of interest is that when someone drinks too much alcohol, their behavior becomes quite unpredictable. This is because the cerebellum suddenly stops working, causing the person to lose part of their coordination and almost all of the capacity to form new memories while they are drunk.

Another interesting effect of alcohol on the brain is how it impairs one’s ability to recognize facial expressions. For example, when someone is drunk they may not recognize that another person is angry with them and continue acting in a way that angers the other person even more.

So, when you drink an excessive amount of alcohol, your brain’s neurotransmitters all become impaired and you lose a lot of control over your judgment and coordination. In short, being drunk is a pretty weird experience!

What it’s like when you’re drunk:

– Loss of coordination and judgment power.

– Decrease in energy levels.

– Feeling depressed after coming down from being drunk.

– Alcohol impairs how the brain recognizes facial expressions.

– Hearing becomes more sensitive to sound waves.

– Sluggishness due to impaired neurotransmitters.

– Alcohol is broken down by the liver into acetic acid, which then spreads throughout the body.

– The blood vessels dilate when someone drinks a lot of alcohol, which causes the eardrum to expand and become more sensitive to sound waves.

– The cerebellum suddenly stops working when someone drinks too much alcohol, causing a lack of coordination and loss of memory.

– Serotonin is deteriorated by drinking a lot of alcohol, leading to depression and negative effects on mood regulation.

What does a day of a drunk person look like?

– Waking up with a massive headache.

– Vomiting after drinking too much the night before.

– Drinking more alcohol to forget about the previous night’s unpleasant experience.

– Losing track of time, forgetting what happened during that day or even the past week.

– Picking fights for no good reason and talking nonsense all day long.

Here are some characteristics of a drunk person:

– Loss of memory.

– Unpredictable behavior.

– Difficulty following conversations.

– Impaired coordination and judgment power.

– Decrease in energy levels.

– Feeling depressed after coming down from being drunk or when alcohol is still active in the bloodstream, which will make you act impulsively because of your bad mood.

– Impaired neurotransmitters such as GABA and serotonin, which cause sluggishness and drop in energy levels and also lead to depression.

– Temporary loss of cerebellum functions when alcohol is still active in the bloodstream, causing the person to lose part of their coordination and almost all of the capacity to form new memories.

– Vomiting after drinking too much the night before.

– Alcohol impairs how the brain recognizes facial expressions.

– Sluggishness due to impaired neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and GABA.

– Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol at once can lead to fatal conditions such as respiratory depression or even heart failure.

– Increase in blood pressure levels is due to an increase in heart rate, which can cause the eardrum to expand and become more sensitive to sound waves.

– Unlike what most people think, alcohol is broken down by the liver into acetic acid, not water!

– Alcohol is broken down by the liver into acetic acid, which then spreads throughout the body.

How you can help someone who is drunk:

– Don’t fight with them.

– Don’t let them drive.

– Don’t let them walk home alone if they’re not able to walk on their own.

– Make sure they get enough rest and eat something before sleeping to minimize the risks of getting alcohol poisoning or other problems.


Being drunk is not as fun as it sounds and it would be better if people who drink a lot of alcohol knew how it affects them before they decide to do so. Knowing about the downsides will make people think twice before drinking excessively and can save lives from all sorts of horrible experiences.

– Tell someone who drinks a lot not to drive and let them stay at your place for the night if necessary.

– Get them some water and a painkiller if they need it.

Thank you for reading! Now that you know what it is like to be drunk, find out what it is like to be in space.