What it is like staying in a hostel?

Staying in a hostel can be an exciting and budget-friendly option for travelers. Hostels are often much cheaper than hotels and provide a unique opportunity to meet other travelers and…

What it is like to be free?

What is it like to be free? To most people, they would probably think that being free means having a large bank account and not worrying about money. However, there’s…

What is it like moving to a new state?

Moving to a new state can be an exciting and frustrating experience for many people. When you move to a new state, there are many changes that will take place…

What is it like flying first class?

It’s a surreal experience. The flight attendant takes your glass and fills it up with champagne. You smile, tired of holding the glass for an hour. You take the champagne…

What it is like to be beautiful?

“What is it like to be beautiful?” This question has been asked many times. But what exactly does it mean to be beautiful. To some, being beautiful means having extraordinary…

What is it like at the top of Mount Everest?

The top of Mount Everest is the world’s highest peak. It is 8,849 meters above sea level. Climbing Mount Everest can be dangerous because it has risks of avalanches, falling…

What is it like at the North Pole?

People who live in the North Pole, such as Santa Claus or elves, have a very different life than most people. They go through much more cold and darkness than…

What is it like to live with a pet?

What is it like to live with a pet? It can be rewarding, but also difficult. You can have all sorts of pets but one thing that living with a…

What it is like under the sea?

Under the sea is a place where the sun doesn’t exist. There are no lights, so creatures who live under the sea have adapted to what little light is available.…

What is it like to be drunk?

I can’t think of a better way to express how it feels when you’re drunk than actually going over all the processes that happen in the brain and body when…