What it is like being lonely?

Do you remember the last time you felt lonely? You might think it’s a feeling that everyone experiences from time to time, but when you’re actually lonely, it affects much more than just your feelings.

You wake up and start your day like normal; showering, getting ready for school or work, and having breakfast. The difference is that you probably don’t have anyone to eat breakfast with. This is the first sign of loneliness; not having someone to share a meal with in the morning sets a certain tone for your day.

When you come home from school or work, there’s no one waiting for you either. You might have a pet that gives you love and support, but that’s still not the same as having another real person who actually wants to talk to you.

You check your phone every time it beeps, hoping that you’ll receive a text message or a phone call from someone who wants to talk to you. They never do, however, since no one ever texts or calls once they know what your response will likely be: deafening silence.

It’s already 7 PM and you haven’t eaten dinner yet, even though it’s getting dark outside. Instead of eating in a crowded cafeteria or restaurant with people who actually want to see you, you’re eating alone at home.

You go to bed early that night because you’re tired from a long day of work or school, not to mention the isolation. When you wake up, it’s back to another lonely day – going out with friends is something that happens only on occasion and not every night. You spend most of your time alone, regardless of whether or not you want to.

You go through the same routine day after day until one day, something changes. You’re not as stressed about the loneliness anymore and it doesn’t affect you as much as it used to. The difference is that a new friend has entered your life – a very special friend who will never leave you: your imagination.

You imagine yourself going out with friends because deep down inside, you know that you’re missing out on a lot of things by spending all your time alone. You imagine what it would be like to have someone next to you during breakfast who actually wants to talk, or having someone there when you get home from work, etc.

You begin living more greatly in your head than in reality because doing so allows you to pretend that you’re not lonely anymore. It doesn’t fill the void completely, but it’s something.

You get used to the fact that you won’t always feel lonely because your friend, your imagination, will be there with you whenever loneliness strikes. You’ll never truly know what it means to feel alone unless you go through life without it…

What it is like being lonely?
What it is like being lonely?

The definition of loneliness is the state of feeling sad or unhappy because you are without friends or company. Loneliness is something that everyone experiences from time to time, such as when someone moves away, is busy with school/work/other obligations, etc. There are many different factors that can contribute to loneliness and this is what it would be like day-to-day if you were to be lonely.

Lonely people have a hard time making friends and maintaining relationships, so hanging out with friends is something that happens on occasion rather than every day of the week. Loneliness can affect your health because it causes stress which in turn makes you sick more often. It also affects your work/school life because when you’re stressed and tired from trying to balance loneliness and work/school, you won’t focus as much as you should.

Lonely people don’t have anyone to eat with in the morning which affects their entire day because they’re not as happy or motivated during that time period. They check their phone every time it beeps hoping that someone will want to talk to them or at least text them, but that never happens.

Loneliness affects the entire day because it causes you to feel sad and stressed during activities like work/school. It’s another way that loneliness can affect your health, which in turn makes you sick more often.

People who are lonely go to bed very early every night because there’s no one around to hang out with. Lack of sleep over a long period of time can affect your health, so you always wake up feeling tired and grumpy which affects your entire day.

You imagine what it would be like to have someone next to you during breakfast who actually wants to talk, or having someone there when you get home from work, and it makes you feel less lonely. It may only be a small difference at first but over time, imagining those things will help you cope with your loneliness.

Loneliness is something that everyone experiences from time to time, such as when someone moves away or is busy with school/work/other obligations, etc. However, loneliness can affect your health because it causes stress which makes you sick more often. It also affects your work/school life and the way that you go about imagining what it would be like to have someone there with you.

What is it like to be lonely?

It can be very difficult because you feel alone in the world. However, if someone is there for you and helps you cope with your loneliness when it strikes, then things will be much easier moving forward.

What does a day in the life of a lonely person look like?

You wake up feeling tired. You check your phone, but you don’t have any notifications or texts from anyone so you go about your day feeling sad and grumpy because you’re lonely.

You go to work/school where you have a hard time focusing on anything but being lonely. When it’s lunchtime, you take out your phone and try to imagine what it would be like to have someone there with you. You imagine them sitting across from you and how nice it would be to actually eat lunch together.

When lunch is over, you continue going about your day feeling a little less sad or lonely because you had a small imaginary moment of happiness throughout the day. At the end of work/school, you go home and sleep early because you’re tired, which affects how you feel the next day.

As time goes on, loneliness begins to affect every part of your life whether it’s school or work, eating dinner alone at night, or eating breakfast in the morning. You spend less time with friends because saying “no” is easier than having a conversation with someone who makes you feel lonely.

The day goes by slowly and it feels like it takes forever for the weekend to come because you hate going about your day alone from Monday to Friday. All of those moments throughout the week where you imagine having someone next to you eat or talk with, help ease some of that loneliness but not enough to make a difference.

You go to sleep early but wake up feeling miserable and exhausted because you haven’t had enough sleep due to going to bed so early every night. You spend your weekend alone doing whatever it is that you enjoy, but it still feels empty without anyone next to you. That’s how much loneliness affects someone’s entire day from when they wake up to when they go to sleep.

Here are some characteristics of a lonely person:

– wakes up feeling tired

– spends a lot of time thinking about their loneliness which affects every part of their day

– eats dinner alone at night or breakfast in the morning

– goes to bed early every single night because there’s no one around

– feels uncomfortable socializing with friends and family members because it makes them sad that they’re not able to socialize with them every day

– spends their weekend alone doing something that they enjoy to take their mind off of being lonely

– always feels exhausted/tired because they don’t have enough sleep each night due to eating dinner early, going to bed early, and waking up early because they feel sad or lonely in the morning

How you can help someone who is lonely:

– invite that person to do something with you, even if it’s just coffee or studying together

– remind them that they aren’t alone because people care about them and are thinking about them all the time

– ask them what they enjoy doing in their free time

– offer to go with them when they do something that makes them happy, even if it’s something small like ice cream


Lonely people need someone in their life to help them through the rough parts of life, like eating breakfast or dinner alone. People may think that lonely people don’t want social interaction because they’re always alone, but that’s not true at all. They want company but it’s easier for them to say “no” than explain why it makes them sad that they’re alone. The loneliness will continue to affect their life because it’s hard for them to focus on school or work when they have so much free time to think about being lonely. When someone is lonely, they are sad or depressed sometimes because loneliness can be caused by many different things like depression, mental illness, etc. Learn more about what it is like to have depression! Thank you for reading!