What is it like to be 75 years old?

What it’s like to be 75 years old? People who turn 75 are normally settled with their life. They are retired or close to being retired, their children have grown up and moved out of the house, they have grandchildren, possibly great-grandchildren. It’s not easy to be 75 years old. This is the time where you are supposed to be able to relax and enjoy your life. You might find it difficult, mostly because of physical problems.

For example, many 75-year-old people are living with arthritis, which by definition is a condition that involves inflammation of the joints (and surrounding tissues). The most common symptoms include pain, stiffness, or swelling in affected joints, morning stiffness that lasts for more than one hour, and/or decreased range of motion in affected joints.

What is it like to be 75 years old?
What is it like to be 75 years old?

People who have arthritis feel a lot of pain. They find it difficult to do everyday chores such as standing up from a chair or even getting out of bed. Getting dressed, bathing, cooking, cleaning are not easy tasks to perform especially when you have arthritis.

People who are 75 years old also face other health complications which can be life-threatening to them. Most of these older people have problems with their heart, kidneys, eyesight, hearing, and nerves. This is why it’s very important that they have proper medical attention from a doctor or any medical professional for them to stay healthy.

What it’s like to be 75 years old?

It’s not easy. It requires a lot of effort and determination for you to stay healthy, physically and mentally. You have to eat right, do some exercises, go out with friends or family once in a while (watch movies, visit the park). Staying active can help them fight daily stress and depression.

Since most elderly people are retired, they don’t have much to do. So it’s important for them that they have hobbies or things that they are interested in doing to keep themselves busy and mentally stable. Some old people love reading books, while others enjoy singing karaoke songs with their friends at the community center. Others just play mahjong to keep themselves entertained.

This is how it’s like to be 75 years old. It’s not easy, but you just have to do the best that you can and don’t give up easily if you want to stay healthy and active until your last breath.

What does a day in the life of a 75-year-old person look like?

At 7:30 am, she/he wakes up and makes breakfast.

At 8:30 am, he/she takes a pill for high cholesterol.

At 9:00 am, she/he goes to the doctor for a check-up.

At 10:00 am, he/she writes an article about what it’s like to be 75 years old.

At 11:00 am, she/he sends the article to the editor of a local newspaper.

At 1:00 pm, she/he watches her grandchild’s soccer game on TV and cheers for him/her.

At 5:00 pm, he/she calls his granddaughter and updates her about his/her day.

At 8:00 pm, he/she goes to bed and reads a book until she falls asleep.

This is just one example of a day in the life of a 75-year-old person. It’s difficult but at the same time very fulfilling and meaningful. It takes a lot of effort and determination if you want to stay healthy mentally and physically.

What are the characteristics of a person who is 75 years old?

– they are retired

– they take medications for high blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, or other medical conditions

– they often watch their grandkids play sports on TV

– they do physical activities to stay healthy (like swimming, playing board games)

– some of them love reading books and magazines (recent issues)

– some of them love watching movies with friends

– some of them visit the park or garden to get some fresh air and sunshine.  

This is just a summary of the characteristics of people who are 75 years old. Some elderly people can be very creative in terms of their hobbies. They might take up painting, doing crosswords puzzles, playing board games, etc. It really depends on the person. Elderly people are very unique and each one of them is different from the other.

How can you help a person who is 75 years old?

– offer them a helping hand when doing chores or getting dressed

– spend some time with them (watch movies, play board games together)

– stay healthy yourself because younger people can get sick too.

– treat them with respect and be patient with them

– avoid being negative because they don’t need any more stress in their lives.

– remember that elderly people still have feelings so it’s important to talk to them and listen to what they have to say.

It’s hard for the elderly to do daily tasks by themselves. They need your help and support. So the best thing you can do is to help them with what they need and make them feel like they are wanted and cared for.


By now you’ve learned a thing or two about what it’s like to be 75 years old and how you can help your elderly friends, parents, or grandparents. Sometimes the little things they need may seem very trivial but don’t ever underestimate their love and appreciation for what you do for them. Being 75 years old is not easy but it’s all worth it. Not everyone can get there, that’s why we have to cherish every moment of our lives while we’re still healthy enough to do so.

Thank you for reading! Learn more about what it is like to be lonely too.