What it is like having OCD?

Individuals affected by OCD want everything to be perfect and do not like when things are out of order. People with OCD become upset when they feel that something isn’t right, such as thinking that their hands aren’t clean enough or that they didn’t lock the door on the way out. Going back to check, repeatedly checking on things, and having very strict routines can affect a person’s life. People with OCD have anxiety that affects their daily lives because of the constant thoughts that they cannot control.

People with OCD have intrusive thoughts that will not go away and cause distress no matter what they do. For example, someone might think about stabbing their loved one which will cause them to obsess over the idea. They begin to ask others for reassurance that they would never hurt anyone or, if it’s a parent with children, constantly check the locks on the doors and windows. These thoughts are very scary because OCD can cause people to think of dark things even though they don’t want to and that can result in self-harm or worse.

After the thoughts, people with OCD may compulsively repeat certain behaviors such as excessive hand washing, thinking that they didn’t wash their hands well enough. They will go back and scrub their hands again and again before they feel clean. This behavior is exhausting and sometimes results in infections on their hands.

What it is like having OCD?
What it is like having OCD?

People with OCD will check doors or stoves repeatedly, thinking that they might have left them unlocked when in reality they know they are secure. When someone is unable to control this behavior, it can lead to broken relationships and loss of jobs. It’s not always easy for family members or friends to understand what someone with this illness is going through because it seems irrational to the outside world.

Some of these behaviors are hard to deal with, but imagine living with them every day! People who have OCD almost always feel very stressed out and anxious about the things that might happen if they don’t perform certain rituals or compulsions. They can’t help what they’re thinking or how they’re feeling, and sometimes reassurance doesn’t even help.

OCD is a very serious mental illness that affects many lives and can be challenging to deal with. People who have this illness need support from their family and friends in order to get through this difficult time in their lives.

What it is like having OCD?

obsessive thoughts

– compulsive behaviors

– life with OCD is always stressful and tiring. People who have OCD are not living their lives to the fullest extent because of all the rituals they need to do every day. They may lose jobs or relationships because of what they are going through.

What are the characteristics of a person who has OCD?

– constant obsessing

– checking compulsions

– repeating compulsions

– unable to control thoughts

What are some of the difficulties that people with OCD face?

– constant worry for their loved ones.

– they may become unemployed or lose friends because they check things repeatedly.

What does a day in the life of a person with OCD look like?

– person wakes up and immediately has obsessive thoughts.

– they attempt to not obsess over these thoughts but fail because they cannot control what’s going on in their mind.

– anxiety is very high so the person stays inside all day or cleans compulsively.

What causes OCD?

– there is no one cause of OCD, it’s likely caused by a combination of genes and environment.

What helps people with OCD?

therapy can be very helpful because it allows the person to talk about their thoughts and feelings with someone who understands them. Medicine is also sometimes prescribed but some people choose not to take it.

What helps family members cope with living with a person who has OCD?

– it’s okay to tell the person how you feel, sometimes living with OCD is very frustrating.

– try to understand why they are doing these rituals because their intentions are not bad.

What can people do if they notice obsessive thoughts in themselves?

– it’s okay to ask for reassurance but don’t do it too often because it can be exhausting for the person and not actually help.

– try to distract yourself with something else if you cannot stop obsessing over your thoughts.

How you can help a person with OCD?

– try to understand what they might be going through and how it makes them feel.

– ask if you can help, sometimes it’s just nice to have someone to talk to about things that bother you.

– try your best not to judge because the people who have OCD are very hard on themselves.


– OCD is a very serious disorder that can affect many lives.

– you can help out by being understanding of what they are going through and just listening if they need someone to talk to about things bothering them.

Thank you for reading! Learn about what it is like to have anxiety too.