What it is like to live in Russia?

Russia is a beautiful country and the people living there are very warm-hearted. There are many different cultures living in Russia and diversity of religions, however, most people living there are orthodox Christians.

Russia is a country rich in history and it attracts tourists from all over the world. There are many places every tourist should see when they go to Russia such as Kremlin which is an old palace that now serves as the government building and Red Square. Both of these places are very important to Russia and its history because they represent the Russian culture and its success throughout time.

Russia is a safe place to live for most people, however, the crime rate in large cities such as Moscow is very high. When tourists visit Russia they often flock to large cities where there are more comfortable hotels and better transportation. These larger cities often have higher crime rates, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not safe to travel around the country.

What it is like to live in Russia?
What it is like to live in Russia?

There are many different languages spoken in Russia and depending on where you go in the country, they may speak a completely different language than someone else. Russian is the most common language, however, Ukrainians often speak Ukrainian, and Crimean Tartars speak Crimean Tatar. There are also smaller languages such as Hebrew and Vietnamese that people living there may know how to speak.

Russia is a very strict country and when you live there it is important to follow their rules. If you do not respect their culture they may be offended and make things hard for you. Many tourists like to go to Russia because of its rich history and the many different cultures that exist in the country, but if you want to avoid any unnecessary trouble it is important to do your research and respect their practices.

The people of Russia are very kind and if you want to see how warm-hearted they truly are, then you should talk with some local people and get to know their culture on a more personal level. They will be more than happy to share their knowledge and help you learn about life in Russia.

The country of Russia has very harsh weather conditions but if you go during the summer it will be sure to warm your heart. Many tourists flock to Moscow because it’s a big city and there are many things to see and do, however, if you want to truly experience Russia then you should travel around the country.

What it’s like living in Russia?

Living in Russia is a very unique experience and many people would love to live there, however, if you don’t know Russian it may be hard for you to get a job. If possible, go with an experienced tour guide who knows the language well and can help you understand all of the cultural customs that will make your stay much more enjoyable.

What does a day in the life of a person who lives in Russia look like?

Well, if you live in Moscow it may be a little different than if you live in St. Petersburg. It’s very important to remember that Russia is a big country and each city has its own set of rules and regulations.

People who live in Russia typically get up around 8 o’clock in the morning because many of them have to go to work.

In the mornings, many people like to drink a glass of hot tea and enjoy the warmth that it brings.

If you live in St. Petersburg and if it’s wintertime then you should expect to see roads filled with ice and snow because this is typical for the city during those months.

People who live in Russia typically eat lunch around 1 pm and dinner around 8 pm.

While eating lunch at work they like to drink a beverage called Kvass which is made from fermented rye bread that has been flavored with sugar or honey.

After work many people hang out with friends and loved ones and enjoy each other’s company by doing fun activities such as; going to the park, playing active games like soccer, or they may also go to a restaurant and eat dinner out.

Work hours in Russia are usually anywhere from 8 am until 6 pm.

Many of the people who live in Russia tend to stay up very late because it’s easy for them to get carried away with their active social lives and go out with friends every night.

It’s important to remember that Russia is a very big country and each city has its own set of rules and regulations.

What traits do people have who live in Russia?

The people of Russia are very family-oriented. They value their traditions and want their children to always feel safe.

Many Russian women have good fashion sense, they like to take care of themselves, and they place a lot of importance on their social life.

They tend to be very active but also appreciate the warmth that comes from staying in and drinking tea.

How can you feel like you live in Russia?

If you want to feel like you live in Russia then it’s important that you learn the language and understand their customs.

If this is something that interests you, then it may be best for you to travel there with an experienced tour guide who can help you get around.

The people of Russia are very friendly but only if they feel like you care about their culture and society so if you want to experience it for yourself, then the best way is to visit as a guest. It may be a little different from visiting somewhere else in Europe but if you embrace its differences and actively learn about them, then you will have a great time!

What are some downsides to living in Russia?

The people of Russia can be loud and if they’re angry then it will take a lot of time and effort to get them to calm down.

There is a lot of crime in Russia, especially when you live in the city because you may find yourself fighting over food during any shortages.

Russia also experiences very cold weather during most months of the year which means that it may be difficult to find a job that can pay well if you don’t know how to do something like fix cars.

What do you need to pack when moving to Russia?

If you are moving to Russia then it’s important that you bring enough warm clothing because the winters are long and very harsh.

It may also be a good idea to pack some jeans, t-shirts, sweaters, boots, thermal underwear, scarves, gloves for your trip, or else you might find yourself freezing in the middle of the city.

You should also have plenty of cash with you because there are very few places that accept credit or debit cards.

What are some must-see attractions in Russia?

There are many beautiful pieces of architecture in St Petersburg, Moscow, and Kiev which is why you may want to visit them if you can find someone to help you get around.

The people of Russia take great pride in their country and love to show it off so if you go, then make sure that you visit the Kremlin or Red Square while you’re there because they are wonderful!

What should you know about moving to Russia?

Here are just a few things that you may need to be aware of when you travel there:

– The trains usually operate from 8 am until 11 pm on weekdays and from 8 am until 8 pm on weekends.

– The people of Russia like to drink a lot of vodka which is why the country is known as the Vodka Capital of the World. If you don’t want to drink, then staying at a hostel may be a good option for you because it can become quite noisy when everyone goes out to party.

– The people of Russia are kind but if you make them angry it may be very hard for you to get things done. This is especially true if you’re dealing with government officials.

– Most people in Russia work eight hours a day Monday through Friday and only work part-time on Saturdays. They also have major holidays off.

– The people of Russia are generally very polite and do not openly complain in public, but you will find out quickly when they are upset.

What should you know if you want to travel to Russia on a vacation?

If you want to go on a vacation and don’t know where to go, then Russia might be the place for you.

– Russia has some beautiful cities and historical landmarks that you will certainly want to take pictures of.

– You can purchase a train ticket anytime but be prepared for a long ride because most trains only run once or twice a day and take between 20 and 30 hours to complete the full journey.

– Many of the people in Russia don’t speak English so if you want to talk with them then you will have to learn a few phrases in Russian.


Moving to Russia may not be for everyone but if you want a new adventure then it’s certainly worth a look.

It can be difficult to adjust at first because everything is so different, but in the end, you might just find that it was one of the best experiences of your life.

However, visiting is much easier than living in Russia, so you might want to start with that.

Remember though, when in Russia, do as the Russians do. Don’t complain in public and be polite even if you think that someone is behaving badly.

There are many things that you should know before moving to Russia but doing your research beforehand can help you to adjust much easier.

Have a wonderful time in Russia! Now, you can also learn more about what it is like to live in Canada.