What it is like to be cheated on?

Everyone is familiar with the popular saying that goes, “once a cheater, always a cheater.” This statement has been repeated by many and considered as truth. However, to those who have experienced and lived through infidelity, this phrase just doesn’t seem to cut it anymore. If anything, this single phrase does not even begin to scratch the surface of what it is like to be cheated on.

I felt so much pain, anger, and betrayal.”

There are many things people do not understand about cheating. A lot of times it’s easy to judge the person who was cheated on without really knowing how they feel. This lack of empathy or rather unintentional ignorance could cause more harm than one would expect.

What is it like to be cheated on? Here’s the reality: It hurts. A lot. Once a trust has been broken and violated, there really isn’t any going back no matter how hard people try to mend what was once torn apart.

“I felt betrayed. I can’t describe the amount of pain that was inside of me.”

What it is like to be cheated on?
What it is like to be cheated on?

Regardless of the situation, cheating is always wrong and should never be accepted. Those who have been cheated on often find it hard to trust anyone ever again. Every time two people get together, their partner’s past relationship or rather, their former lover may come back and haunt them. “I felt unwanted and worthless,” shared one individual.

“I felt like I was worth nothing.”

Another shared, “I felt ashamed. I lost respect for myself because I couldn’t even confront the person who treated me that way.” Cheating can change people in a variety of ways, but all in all, it is never easy to get over something like this.

“I felt like I was no longer an important part of her life.”

When someone is cheated on, their world flips upside down. They are never the same again and it will take them quite some time to heal. It can be hard for them to trust anyone, especially those who have been proven untrustworthy more than once. What’s really sad about this is that the pain never really goes away, it just gets easier to breathe.

“I felt like I was nothing.”

How do you deal with being cheated on? How does one recover from being betrayed by someone they have chosen to put their trust in? It’s not easy at all. For some people though, time heals every wound. Others may never heal and that’s perfectly normal too. It really just depends on the person and how much they can actually take before it breaks them completely.

“I felt broken.”

What it is like to be cheated on?

It is complicated. It will take time for one to adjust and slowly accept the fact that they have been betrayed. This, of course, is not an easy task because being cheated on affects people in different ways. However, no matter how one copes with it, cheating will never be okay.

“I felt hopeless.”

Cheating can never be justified. It is wrong in so many ways. Those who have been cheated on need love, support, compassion, and most of all, respect. They may never truly get over what happened but it doesn’t mean they are any less for feeling this way.

“I felt myself falling apart.”

What is it like to be cheated on? It is scary, painful, sad, and most of all… heart-breaking. Never take for granted what you have right now because once it’s gone, it might never come back again. Be grateful for the ones who choose to stay by your side and never let go because they are the few who truly deserve to be loved.

What are the traits of people who got cheated on?

– Want to feel loved

– Want to be wanted

– Tend to become more creative and find things that make them happy

– Find themselves doing what they can do to keep their partner around

– Passionate about life and their goals

– Dependable, trustworthy people who are easily broken when betrayed by the very person they’ve put all their trust into.

– Secretly wonders if their partner will betray them one day

What does it feel like when you get cheated on?

– Trust issues

– Anger, hatred, and resentment towards yourself.

– Profound sadness

Can you get back together after being cheated on?

Yes, it is possible to get back together but it takes a lot of time and patience. It really just depends on how strong you or your significant other is after this happens. If you want to get back together, you need to accept the fact that this might happen again. You also need to forgive them and learn how to trust them all over again.

It’s never easy getting cheated on since it hurts like crazy but if you do decide to get back together, there is a lot of work that needs to be put in by both parties involved if you want this to work. Some people just give up because it is too hard but if you truly love them, then you have to be willing to put in the effort and try harder than before.

What happens when someone cheats on their significant other?

– They lose respect for themselves and their partner

– They lose trust in everyone around them, including themselves

– It feels like the world is caving in on them and life is too hard to deal with anymore

– They feel broken, betrayed, and deceived

– It feels like you’re dying inside and nothing matters anymore

– They feel worthless and like they don’t deserve to be loved by anyone else

– It may cause them to become depressed and even suicidal.

How can you help someone who got cheated on?

– Stay by that person’s side no matter what

– Be patient with them because they are probably hurting too

– Help them pick up the pieces of their broken heart by reminding them how worthy they are

– Let them realize that you will never leave their side no matter what

– Do not give up on them, even though it may seem like it is impossible to get through to them right now

– Give them time to heal, but also try harder than before to show how much you love them and that this will never happen again.

What can you do if someone cheats on you?

– Stay calm about the situation

– Think logically about your options

– You can either stay or leave

– Talk to your significant other about the situation and try to work it out if you want to stay together

– See if they are willing to change their ways because sometimes people just don’t realize how much they hurt someone else until it’s too late

What should you do after getting cheated on?

– Do not blame yourself for what happened because it wasn’t your fault

– It’s okay to feel bad about the situation but do not let it consume you or get in control of your life, especially if they decide to leave

– Let them know that all you want is an honest relationship

– Try not to cry in front of them because they are probably already feeling bad enough about what happened

– Let them know that you will be okay but understand if they can’t stay because it is too hard for them

– If they want to leave, let them go and don’t try to stop them because that is their decision

– You can still try to talk to them or stay by their side if they want but do not force anything on them

– Do not feel like you are obligated to stay with them after cheating since it is unfair for both people involved


Being cheated on is never easy but after it happens, you need to let them know that you will be okay and not blame yourself for what happened. Don’t try to guilt-trip them into staying with you because that’s just not fair to either of you. If someone really loves you they would choose to stay with you even if it is hard. If they leave, let them because it’s their decision and stay strong for yourself without the other person in your life. Being cheated on changes you, but not just in bad ways.

Thank you for reading! Now you know what it is like to be cheated on. If you want, you can learn more about what it is like to be the other woman as well.