What it is like being a social worker?

Social workers are people who defend and fight on a daily basis for the rights of their clients. They help society’s underdogs, those at-risk members of society who can’t or…

What is it like under anesthesia?

“It’s like…your spirit leaving your body and then floating up to the ceiling above you.” -Author Unknown For most people, being under anesthesia is an unknown. They have never experienced…

What it is like being a police officer?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a police officer? To have the responsibility of enforcing the law, making arrests, and investigating crimes. Regardless of whether…

P.S. What is it like raising a child?

In the beginning, I didn’t know what to expect from becoming a parent. All of those little milestones that people warn you about – getting used to sleepless nights, crying,…

What it is like to be 90 years old?

On average, people age 90 can do about three things: eat three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), walk with the help of a cane or walker, and stay…

What it is like to be farsighted?

You’ve probably heard of “farsighted” people before, but you may not actually know what it is like to be one. Today, we’re going to take a look at exactly what…

What is it like dating someone with BPD?

In order to begin to understand what it’s like dating someone with BPD, one must first know a bit about the disorder. Bpd stands for borderline personality disorder and is…

What it is like to fall in love after 50?

“What is it like to fall in love after 50?” – If you are reading this, then there’s a good chance that this question has come up of late. Whatever…

What is it like at the North Pole?

People who live in the North Pole, such as Santa Claus or elves, have a very different life than most people. They go through much more cold and darkness than…

What it is like living in New York?

In New York, there are a lot of activities and people everywhere. It is often loud and crowded with many different races and cultures. It’s also difficult to get around…